CША Luxembourg Russia Ukraine USA Абхазия Австралия Австрия Адыгея Азербайджан Азия Азовское море Алабама Албания Алжир Алматинская область Алматы Алтай Алтайский край Альпы Амстердам Амурская область Анапа Ангарск Англия Анталья АР Крым Аргентина Арктика Армения Архангельск Архангельская область Астана Астраханская область Астрахань Афганистан Африка Ачинск Байкал Байкальск Баку Балаково Бали Балтийское море Бангкок Бангладеш Барбадос Барнаул Барселона Батуми Башкирия Башкортостан Бейрут Беларусь Белгород Белгородская область Белорецк Бельгия Берлин Беслан Беэр-Шева Бишкек Ближний Восток Болгария Боливия Босния и Герцеговина Бразилия Братск Британия Брюссель Брянск Брянская область Буркина-Фасо Бурятия Валенсия Варшава Ватикан Вашингтон Великобритания Венгрия Венесуэла Вильнюс Владивосток Владикавказ Владимирская область Волгоград Волгоградская область Вологодская область Вольск Воркута Воронеж Воронежская область Вьетнам Гаага Гавайи Гагаузия Гаити Гайана Гватемала Гвинея-Бисау Геленджик Германия Голландия Голливуд Гондурас Гонконг Гренландия Греция Грозный Грузия Дагестан Дальний Восток Дамаск Дания Димитровград ДНР Доминикана Донецкая область Дубаи Дубай Дублин Европа Евросоюз Египет Екатеринбург Забайкалье Забайкальский край Замбия Запорожская область Зауралье Звенигород Зеленоград Зимбабве Ивановская область Иерусалим Ижевск Израиль Ингушетия Индийский океан Индия Индонезия Иордания Ирак Иран Иркутск Иркутская область Ирландия Исландия Испания Истра Италия Йемен Йошкар-Ола Кабардино-Балкария Кабо-Верде Кавказ Казань Казахстан Калининград Калининградская область Калифорния Калмыкия Калуга Калужская область Камбоджа Каменск-Уральский Камерун Камчатка Камчатский край Канада Канск Караганда Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Карачаево-Черкесская Республика (КЧР) Карелия Карибские острова Каспийск Катар Кемерово Кемеровская область Кения Керченский пролив Кипр Киргизия Киров Кировская область Китай Кишенев Кишинев КНДР КНР Колумбия Коми Конго Костанайская область Костромская область Красногорск Краснодар Краснодарский край Красное море Красноярск Красноярский край Крым Крымск Куба Кубань Кувейт Кузбасс Курган Курганская область Курдистан Курск Курская Курская область Куршавель Кыргызстан Лас-Вегас Латвия Латгалия Латинская Америка Ленинградская область Ливан Ливия Липецк Липецкая область Литва ЛНР Лондон Лос-Анджелес Луганская область Люберцы Маврикий Магадан Магаданская область Магнитогорск Майами Малайзия Мали Малибу Мальдивы Мальта Марий Эл Мариуполь Маркс Махачкала Мексика Мексиканский залив Минск Можайск Молдавия Молдова Монако Монголия Монреаль Мордовия Москва Московская область Мурманск Мурманская область Мытищи Мьянма Мюнхен Нагасаки Нагорный Карабах Нальчик Ненецкий автономный округ Нефтеюганск Нигерия Нидерланды Нижегородская область Нижневартовск Нижнекамск Нижнеудинск Нижний Новгород Нижний Тагил Новая Зеландия Новая Москва Новгородская область Новокузнецк Новомосковск Новороссийск Новосибирск Новосибирская область Новоуральск Новочеркасск Новый Уренгой Норвегия Норильск Ноябрьск Нью-Йорк ОАЭ Одинцово Омск Омская область Орел Оренбург Оренбургская область Орловская область Орск Освенцим Павлодарская область Пакистан Палестина Панама Панамский канал Париж Пекин Пенза Пензенская область Первоуральск Пермский край Пермь Перу Петрозаводск Поволжье Подмосковье Подольск Польша Португалия Прибайкалье Приднестровье Прикамье Приморский край Приморье Псков Псковская область Пятигорск Республика Башкортостан Республика Ингушетия Республика Коми Республика Марий Эл Республика Мордовия Республика Тува Республика Тыва Республика Хакасия Рига Рим Россия Росссия Ростов Ростов-на-Дону Ростовская область Руанда Румыния Рыбинск Рязанская область Рязань Саксония Салават Сальвадор Самара Самарская область Самоа Сан-Франциско Санкт-Петербург Саратов Саратовская область Саров Саудовская Аравия Сахалин Сахалинская область Свердловская область Севастополь Северная Корея (КНДР) Северная Осетия Северо-Казахстанская область Сейшелы Сектор Газа секторе Газа Сербия Сергиев Посад Серпухов Сеул Сибирь Симферополь Сингапур Сирия Сицилия Сиэтл Словакия Словения Смоленская область Сочи Средиземное море Среднеуральск Средняя Азия Ставрополь Ставрополье Ставропольский край Стамбул Стокгольм Судан Сургут США Сыктывкар Таганрог Таджикистан Таиланд Тайвань Таймыр Тамбов Тамбовская область татарст Татарстан Ташкент Тбилиси Тверская область Тверь Тегеран Тель-Авив Техас Тибет Тобольск Токио Тольятти Томск Томская область торонто Туапсе Тува Тула Тульская область Тунис Туркменистан Турция Тюменская область Тюмень Удмуртия Узбекистан Украина Улан-Батор Улан-Удэ Ульяновск Ульяновская область Урал Уругвай УрФО Усолье-Сибирское Усть-Луга Уфа Ухань Феодосия Фиджи Филиппины Финляндия Флорида Франция хабаровск Хабаровский край Хакасия Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Хельсинки Херсонская область ХМАО Хорватия Центральноафриканская Республика (ЦАР) Чад Челябинск Челябинская область Черногория Черное море Чехия Чеченская республика Чечня Чикаго Чили Чита Чувашия Чукотка Шанхай Швейцария Швеция Шотландия Шри-Ланка Эквадор Экваториальная Гвинея Энгельс Эстония Эфиопия ЮАР Югра Южная Америка Южная Африка Южная Корея Южная Осетия Юрмала Якутия Якутск Ялта Ямал ЯНАО Япония Ярославль Ярославская область Абхазия Австралия Австрия Адыгея Азербайджан Алматы Алтайский край Амстердам Амурская область Англия Анталья АР Крым Аргентина Арктика Армения Архангельск Архангельская область Астана Астраханская область Афганистан Африка Ачинск Байкальск Бали Бахмут Бахрейн Башкирия Башкортостан Беларусь Белгород Белгородская область Бельгия Бишкек Болгария Босния и Герцеговина Бостон Бразилия Братск Британия Брянск Брянская область Бурятия Бухарест Великобритания Венгрия Владивосток Владикавказ Владимир Владимирская область Волгоград Волгоградская область Вологодская область Воронеж Воронежская область Восточная Азия Вьетнам Гагаузия Геленджик Германия Гонконг Греция Грузия Дагестан Дальний Восток Дания Дзержинск Дмитрий Зацепин ДНР Донбасс Донецкая область Дубаи Дубай Европа Европейский союз Евросоюз Екатеринбург Забайкалье Забайкальский край Зауралье Зимбабве Ивановская область Иерусалим Израиль Ингушетия Индия Индонезия Иран Иркутск Иркутская область Ирландия Испания Италия Кабардино-Балкария Кавказ Казань Казахстан Калининград Калининградская область Калифорния Калмыкия Калужская область Камбоджа Камчатка Камчатский край Канада Канны Караганда Карачаево-Черкесия Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Карелия Кемерово Кемеровская область Кипр Киргизия Киров Кировская область Китай КНДР КНР Костромская область Краснодар Краснодарский край Красное море Красноярск Красноярский край Крым Кубань Кузбасс Курганская область Курская область Кыргызстан Латвия Ленинградская область Ливан Ливия Липецкая область Литва Лондон Лос-Анджелес Магаданская область Магнитогорск Малайзия Мальта Марий Эл Махачкала Мексика Милан Минск Мозамбик Молдова Монако Монголия Мордовия Москва Московская область Мурманск Мурманская область Набережные Челны Нагорный Карабах Нефтеюганск Нигер Нигерия Нидерланды Нижегородская область Нижнегородская область Нижний Новгород Николаевск на Амуре Новая Гвинея Новая Каледония Новая Каховка Новая Москва Новгородская область Ново-Огарево Новокузнецк Новороссийск Новосибирск Новосибирская область Норвегия Норильск Нью-Йорк ОАЭ Омск Омская область Орел Оренбург Оренбургская область Орловская область Ормузский залив Орск Пакистан Палестина Папуа - Новая Гвинея Пекин Пензенская область Пермский край Пермь Перу Петрозаводск Подмосковье Подольск Польша Португалия Прибайкалье Прибалтика Приморский край Приморье Псков Псковская область Пятигорск Республика Башкортостан Республика Ингушетия Республика Коми Республика Хакасия Рига Россия Ростов-на-Дону Ростовская область Румыния Рязанская область Самара Самарская область Санкт-Петербург Саратов Саратовская область Саудовская Аравия Сахалин Сахалинская область Свердловская область Севастополь Северная Корея (КНДР) Северная Македония Северная Осетия Сектор Газа Сербия Серпухов Сибирь Симферополь Сирия Словакия Смоленская область Сочи СССР Ставропольский край Стамбул Сургут США Сьерра-Леоне Таганрог Таджикистан Таиланд Тайвань Тамань Тамбовская область Татарстан Тбилиси Тверская область Тольятти Томск Томская область Тула Тульская область Туркменистан Турция Тюменская область Тюмень Уганда Удмуртия Узбекистан Украина Улан-Удэ Ульяновск Ульяновская область Урал Усолье-Сибирское Уфа Филиппины Финляндия Франция хабаровск Хабаровский край Хакасия Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Харьков Херсонская область ХМАО Хорватия Челябинск Челябинская область Чехия Чеченская республика Чечня Чикаго Чита Чувашия Чукотка Швейцария Швеция Шишкина Ирина Элеонора Майерс Эстония ЮАР Южная Корея Южная Осетия Южно-Сахалинск ЮЗАО Юрмала Якутия Ямал ЯНАО Япония Ярославль Ярославская область

Sincere Systems is another pyramid scheme by swindler Roman Felik

Sincere Systems is another pyramid scheme by swindler Roman Felik
Sincere Systems is another pyramid scheme by swindler Roman Felik
A group of concerned citizens wrote to the editorial office that they had become victims of the sweet talk of a certain Roman Felik.

Future “partners and investors” were swayed by the charm of Western Ukrainian Roman Felik from Helix Capital and his reincarnation Sincere Systems S-Group, mistaking the light aroma of Carpathian manure for the latest squeak of Parisian fashion.

Naturally, against the backdrop of the southern landscapes of the city of Sochi, our citizens could think of nothing better than to give the barker their money. Honestly, in this case you don’t know who to feel sorry for: the fools who still bring money to the pyramids, Roman Felik, doomed to forever be a puppet at the beck and call of his creditors, or the money that could have been used for something good. It is enough to ask the network who Roman Felik is, and the slightest mystery will be dispelled: Roman Felik is an experienced and seasoned swindler. Let’s recall his story.

Roman Felik, a notorious “millionaire businessman”, has gained notoriety for his fraudulent schemes, tricking people out of their hard-earned money to fund his lavish lifestyle and acquiring fake IDs to hide his true identity. Often targeting rural and low-income people, Felik lures them with promises of high returns using trigger phrases claiming his businesses are “UK registered” and “soon to be listed on Euronext”.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster tidttiqzqiqkdkmp qkxiqzdiqezihsld

Roman Felik in a restaurant.

However, unsuspecting victims who fall for his tricks are left without their money back, as Felik and his accomplices use the money to pay off their personal debts and acquire fake IDs to avoid detection. His new venture, Sincere Systems (S-Group), targets the uninitiated with low levels of financial literacy. Mysterious “artificial intelligence algorithms” promise high returns on every penny invested in Roman Felik’s lavish lifestyle.

Sincere Systems and S-Group: Roman Felik and his new venture

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

More photos of Roman Felik and Nevzchai-mashina.

Instime owner Roman Felik has been linked to several scams including Helix Global Capital, Swisscoin and Instime, which are known for their complex pyramid schemes that are difficult to investigate due to their complex structure. These schemes have harmed many people in Eastern European countries, leaving them financially ruined and struggling to recover from the deception.

S-Group Roman Felik

It is a pyramid scheme that will continue as long as the money coming in is greater than the money coming out. People think they are making money, but it is just numbers in their personal account.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Roman Felik in Moscow.

Since the accruals are not as high as in pyramid schemes like Finiko and Friendex (1-2% per day, ’only’ a few percent per week), this pyramid can exist for quite a long time. Moreover, they do not provide any guarantees of profitability and can suddenly announce that money was lost on the market due to force majeure.

This example shows that Roman Felik’s pyramid scheme, such as S-Group, operated for more than 2 years. But all pyramid schemes, such as Sincere Systems Group, have the same end: loss of money, tears and ruined lives.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

A little more Roman Felik. That’s right, all financiers do is steam buns at resorts.

The legend of the scammer Roman Felik and his S-Group scheme states that they allegedly hold over $400 million on their Roboforex account, and artificial intelligence supposedly provides a constant and high income on this amount.

Roboforex as a disguise for Roman Felik’s scheme — Sincere Systems Group

However, it is important to understand two things. First, Roboforex does not have a license from reliable jurisdictions. “RoboForex Ltd is a financial broker regulated by the FSC, license #000138/333, reg. number 128.572. Address: 2118 Guava Street, Phase 1, Belama, Belize City, Belize,” as stated on the roboforex.com website. Second, even in Belize there is no license for brokerage activities.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Belize is a jurisdiction often used by the likes of Roman Felik.

It is important to understand that Belize (known as the country with the highest percentage of prostitution in the world) is a country with low-quality offshore and weak regulation. It is a country in Central America with a population of 348,000 people. We do not recommend dealing with companies in such small jurisdictions. In case of problems, you will not even be able to physically file a claim. This is why scammers often use Belize, for example, the company EZ FINANCE GROUP SA defrauded residents of several countries, and Hermes Management was used as a pretext for collecting money in a financial pyramid under the guise of the slogan "Life is Good".

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

One of Roman Felik’s investors evaluates the growth of assets in his personal account.

S-Group and Roman Felik’s Instime scammers constantly deceive their followers by claiming that they have a license, but anyone with even a basic understanding of finance knows that this is just a scam. For example, in the fall of 2022, they presented an "American license" to fools. However, this document has nothing to do with asset management.

Furthermore, here is a response from the New York Department of Financial Services: "Thank you for your inquiry. The certificates presented to you are fraudulent as the New York Department of Financial Services does not license any entity called ’SSG Venture Management LLC’. If you sent money to this company and lost your funds, please file a complaint against them at [address] and upload copies of any documents you received from them as well as a copy of the receipt showing the money you sent. Additionally, if you have been a victim of fraud, you may also file a police report."

S-Group, SNT, Sincere Systems, Sincere Group, SNT token, S Media, S-IPO, Sincere Wallet, Sincere Card, Sincere Systems Group, t.me/SGroup_ru, instagram.com/sgroup_ru, facebook.com/SGroup.ru, t.me/SGroup_en, instagram.com/sgroup_en, facebook.com/SGroup.en, S-Group British investment fund, Sincere Systems LTD, Registered at 71-75 Shelton Street, London, United Kingdom, WC2H 9JQ, Registration number: 12269053 (s-group.io, s-group.online, sn-token.io, s-charity.io, s-ipo.io, s-pharmaceutical.io, s-forex.io).

Beware of Roman Felik

The UK regulator FCA also warns that the fraudulent company Sincere Systems Ltd (S-Group) is operating without a license. The owner of Instime and Sincere Systems Group knows this very well.

"This firm is not authorised by us and is targeting UK residents. You will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman and you will not be protected by the Financial Compensation Scheme (FSCS), so you are unlikely to get your money back if something goes wrong," the FCA warns.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Roman Felik is talking nonsense about Instime. Everyone will become an influencer. Or something like that.

Beware of Roman Felik and his deceptive practices as he continues to prey on vulnerable people with his scams. It is important to be cautious and do thorough research before investing in any financial opportunity to protect yourself from falling into the hands of scammers like Felik.

The Truth About Helix: Was It a Scam? Companies House Registry Details

Upon investigation, it becomes clear that Helix may have been a scam. Extracts from the Companies House register, available on the “legal information” section of the office’s website, reveal important details about the certificate of incorporation of Helix Capital Investment LTD, which claims to be a private limited liability company. Under the Companies Act 2006, section 15, a certificate of incorporation is an important document that reveals the nature of the ownership and responsibilities of the company.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Young Felix and his Helix.

The website of this dubious fund allegedly shows Roman Felix, Dmytro Nahuta and Bohdan Vorontsov claiming to invest clients’ funds in various business projects, which meets the definition of collective investment schemes (CIS) as defined in Section 235 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.

According to the definition of an "investment firm," an organization that accumulates capital to manage and generate income and then provides dividends to clients falls into this category.

The results from the Companies House registry raise doubts about the authenticity of Helix and its activities, pointing to a potential scam orchestrated by Roman Felix and his partners (the other owners of Sincere Systems and Instime). It is important to exercise due diligence and conduct thorough research before engaging in any investment opportunity to protect yourself from potential fraud.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Felix’s trial.

Helix Capital Investment LTD Truth Revealed: No FCA License or Registered Register Raises Concerns as Predecessor to Sincere Systems Group

Helix Capital Investment LTD claims to be an investment fund raising capital from the general public to invest in products. However, a thorough investigation reveals that the company is not licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is not registered as required under the Financial Services Act 2012. Instead, the company is only registered with the Company House Register of Legal Entities, which is not the requirement for a legitimate investment fund.

The lack of proper licensing and registration in the registry is alarming and indicates that Helix Capital Investment LTD may be operating as a pyramid scheme, where income is dependent on attracting new investors rather than legitimate investment activities. As a result, it is important to exercise caution and approach this business with a grain of salt when considering investing your own funds.

When it comes to financial investments, it is important to check the credentials and compliance of any investment opportunity, including whether it has valid licenses and is properly registered with the relevant registries. Trusting your money to companies like Helix Capital Investment LTD that are not in compliance with regulatory requirements can create significant risks to the financial well-being of investors.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine "Fights" Roman Felik and Helix Capital on Fraud Charges

In 2016, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine and the Security Service gathered significant evidence against the Kyiv branch of Helix Capital, leading to the arrest of three individuals, including Roman Felik, on charges of substantial fraud. Although none of the “investors” in the Helix fraud ever received any money, the three criminals were found living in luxury, with thirty bank deposits, seven luxury apartments, twelve cars, and four more cars seized.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Don’t move, car, I’m filming. Roman Felik was caught in the need for a photo on the road.

However, the case was only recently resolved in full. Despite being under criminal investigation, Roman Felix, Dmytro Nahuta and Bohdan Vorontsov continued their fraudulent activities, including traveling abroad. Several criminal and civil cases have been filed against Helix Capital and the three individuals in Ukraine and other countries, where they are suspected of fraud and other crimes.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Despite these serious charges, Roman Felik, Dmytro Nahuta and Bohdan Vorontsov remain at large and continue their insidious schemes, defrauding gullible people, including rural farmers, in an attempt to make as much money as possible. Ukrainian authorities continue to take action against these fraudulent activities in order to protect innocent victims from falling into their clutches.

Another previous S-Group company: Revealing the truth about Roman Felik’s Ponzi scheme Instime on Instagram

Roman Felik, also known as Felik, is linked to the creation of Instime, a multi-level marketing (MLM) ponzi scheme operating on Instagram. In exchange for spreading information about the Instime scam, the scheme promises to artificially increase influencers’ influence. Roman Felik allegedly recruited local Instagram influencers and organized a press campaign to promote the scam, which lures victims with promises of high income and fantastic prospects, often linked to cryptocurrencies and tokens with MLM-like attributes.

Roman Felik’s shady past includes operating an illegal casino in his native Ternopil, which was eventually busted by authorities, resulting in the loss of winnings for local criminals. Additionally, sources indicate that Roman Felik’s debt is accumulating at a rate of $10,000 per day. It should be noted that it is Roman Felik who is in debt, not the fictitious investors he defrauded.

As the investigation into Roman Felik’s fraudulent activities continues, it is important that people exercise caution and be aware of such schemes that promise unrealistically high returns. It is recommended that people thoroughly research and verify any investment opportunities before parting with their hard-earned money to avoid falling victim to a scam perpetrated by individuals like Roman Felik.

Revealing Roman Felik’s debt to the mafioso and his new intrigues

Roman Felik, who has a history of indebtedness to mafia members, is in a tough spot. These debts cannot be easily repaid, and he is constantly under pressure to come up with new schemes to cope with the mounting pile of obligations. One of his previous projects, Helix, was marred by corruption and faced widespread condemnation.

In an attempt to replace the failed Helix scheme, Roman Felix created a new business called Instime. This scheme, which acts as a replacement for Helix, is likely aimed at continuing his machinations to generate funds and pay off his debts to mafia members.

It is important that people be vigilant and exercise caution when dealing with individuals like Roman Felik who have a history of fraudulent activity. It is recommended that any investment opportunity or business transaction be thoroughly researched and verified before engaging in it to avoid becoming a victim of a scam orchestrated by such individuals.

Fraudulent schemes of Roman Felik and DmytroNahuta in undeveloped areas

In rural, underdeveloped areas of Eastern Europe, people are often tempted by schemes that claim to be “registered in the UK” or “soon to be listed on Euronext”. However, naivety does not always mean poverty. There are always vulnerable people willing to part with their money in the hope of higher returns. This is where Roman Felik (Felik) and Dmytro Nahuta enter the picture.

Known for their involvement in pyramid schemes such as Helix Global Capital, Swisscoin and now Instime, these scammers are experts at defrauding the naive. They use the money collected from unsuspecting victims to finance lavish lifestyles, pay off personal debts and obtain fake IDs to avoid legal trouble. Unfortunately, these schemes are notoriously difficult to uncover, especially for authorities in Eastern Europe.

It is vital for people in underdeveloped areas and elsewhere to be wary of such scams and thoroughly research any investment opportunity before parting with their hard-earned money. It is important to be vigilant and careful to avoid falling into the scammy tactics of people like Roman Felik and Dmytro Nahuta. Helix Global Capital’s Dodgy Website Exposed - helixcapitalglobal.com

Let’s take a closer look at the official Helix Global Capital website located at helixcapitalglobal.com and go through the standard procedure for detecting fraudulent tactics:

1. Lack of information about management and employees

2. Copyright dated 2015, no further news or updates!

3. Promising unrealistic income Vague language about products and income, reminiscent of pyramid schemes

4. Registered by an individual from Ukraine in Hong Kong, located in Israel

5. Poor grammar and spelling

These red flags raise serious concerns about the legitimacy and credibility of Helix Global Capital. The lack of transparency, unrealistic promises, and suspicious registration details indicate a potential scam.

As a knowledgeable investor, it is vital to be cautious and thoroughly research any investment opportunity, especially when encountering websites with suspicious features like those found on helixcapitalglobal.com. Avoid falling victim to potential scams and always perform your own due diligence before making any financial decisions.

Roman Felik has swindled yet another “investor” of Sincere Systems S-Group: everything you need to know about the fraudster

Roman Felik on the plane. Good thing he’s not with a book!

Stay away from Roman Felik: he is an experienced scammer. Roman Felik is an experienced scammer. Stay away from his promises, the Sincere Systems group and any of his establishments. You have been warned!


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